Introduction to Survey of the Tanach
  • Session 1 - Introduction To Survey of the Tanach Study

  • Survey of the Torah
  • Session 2 - Survey of Torah Overview
  • Session 3 - Survey of Genesis/Br'sheet
  • Session 4 - Survey of Exodus/Shemot
  • Session 5 - Survey of Leviticus/Vayikra
  • Session 6 - Survey of Numbers/Badmidbar
  • Session 7 - Survey of Deuteronomy/D'Varim

  • Introductions
  • Session 8 - The Historical Books Introduction
  • Session 9 - The Prophetic Books Introduction
  • Session 10 - The Tanach Poetry and Wisdom Literature Introduction

  • Survey of The Nevi'im/Prophets - Nevi'im Rishonim/The Former Prophets Part 1
  • Session 11 - Survey of Joshua and Judges
  • Session 12 - Survey of 1& 2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings

  • Survey of the Nevi'im Rishonim - Early Prophets
  • Session 13 - Isaiah-Yeshayahu
  • Session 14 - Jeremiah - Yirmeyahu
  • Session 15 - Ezekiel - Yechezkel

  • Trei Asar - The 12 Prophets
  • Session 16 - Part 1 Introduction to the 12 Prophets
  • Session 17 - Part 2 Introduction to the 12 Prophets
  • Session 18 - Survey of Hoshea,Yoel and Amos
  • Session 19 - Survey of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah
  • Session 20 - Survey of Nahum, Habakuk, Zephaniah
  • Session 21 - Survey of Haggai, Zechariah, Malchi

  • The Writings
  • Psalms - Proverbs - Job - Song of Songs
  • Ruth - Esther - Lamentations - Ecclesiastics
  • Daniel - Ezra - Nehemiah
  • I & II Chronicles
